
FAQs & how you can help

SGPM Maternity Home

Frequently asked questions

Where is Saint Gianna & Pietro Molla Maternity Home located?

The Home is located in the northeast corner of North Dakota, approximately 30 miles north of Grand Forks, ND on Interstate 29. The mailing address is Minto, ND, but the Home is actually located in the small town of Warsaw, ND.

When can I come to the Home to live and how long can I stay after my baby is born?

You can come to our home at any time during your pregnancy based on available space. The length of stay after your baby is born will vary based on your individual life circumstances.

Who should I talk to about living at the Maternity Home?

You may contact the Director Mary Pat Jahner or the Assistant Director Morgan Christensen by phone or email to inquire about the Home. Each woman is asked to complete anĀ admission form.

How old do I have to be to live at Saint Gianna & Pietro Molla Maternity Home?

Women of all ages may live at the Home.

How much does it cost to stay at Saint Gianna & Pietro Molla Maternity Home?

There is not a cost to stay at our home. All services provided at the Home are free.

Where would I get medical care?

All pre-natal care is in Grand Forks about 30 miles from SGPM Maternity Home.

I want to pursue my education. What is offered by Saint Gianna & Pietro Molla Maternity Home?

Women who wish to pursue their education have many options. They may attend a local high school, take correspondence classes, take courses online, work towards a GED, or take vocational classes.

If I already have a child, can I bring him/her with me?

Yes, women who are pregnant and already have a child may bring him/her to live at SGPM Maternity Home as long as there is availability.

Is the Home open to women of all faiths?

Yes, our doors are open to all women. Women are expected to participate in grace before meals, evening prayer, and to attend Sunday Mass. Many other opportunities are available for spiritual growth.

Saint Gianna & Pietro Molla Maternity Home relies completely on the donations of individuals and foundations which come to us through the Providence of God. Our survival is entirely dependent upon the generosity and kindness of countless individuals who are willing to be a part of this work. We are grateful for your support, both spiritual and financial. We remember you in our prayers and Masses.

How you can help:

diapers + wipes

for Pampers & Huggies of all sizes and baby wipes

gift cards

for personal items, grocery stores, gas stations, etc.

household products

for toilet paper, paper plates, paper towels, napkins, tinfoil, baggies of all sizes, cleaning supplies, stamps (for postage), etc.

monthly donors

Monthly donations help us with having a consistent monthly budget. Donate here.

Have a question about how you can help?

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